Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope here for more


Parish Backround
Parish Background
Saint Peter and Paul Eastern Orthodox Church is a parish of The Autocephalous Orthodox Church in America (OCA). This Church is the successor of the North American mission of the Church of Russia and traces its beginnings to the first missionaries sent to Alaska in 1794. The OCA received its "autocephaly" or independence in 1970.

On Christmas Day, January 1949, Russian Eastern Orthodox Church services were held in Phoenix, AZ for the first time--served by Fr. Nicholas Hubiak from New Jersey. On November 25, 1951, the Saint Peter and Paul Russian Eastern Orthodox Greek Catholic Church was formed with the appointment of Archimandrite Peter Zaychenko, formerly of Chicago, IL, by Archbishop John of San Francisco and the Western United States.

Archimandrite Peter purchased residential property at 1614 E Monte Vista Rd, where services were held and it later became the Church. The parish totaled about twelve families at the time. On November 12, 1955 Archimandrite Peter Zaychenko fell asleep in the Lord and willed the residential property to the parish. In 1956 the parish built an addition onto the original house to accommodate up to 80 worshippers. Adjoining property was purchased in 1961 for a future church building and in March 1967, with the blessing of Archbishop John, the parish received its building permit.
On May 12, 1968, a new beautiful Byzantine-style Russian Eastern Orthodox Church was
dedicated by the Most Rev Archbishop John of San Francisco and the Western United States. He was assisted by Fr. Dimitri Gisetti, Dean; V Rev John Karateew, pastor; as well as other Orthodox clergy. The new church can now accommodate more than a threefold expansion in worshippers and is an outstanding example of what a dedicated and united parish group can accomplish when interested in serving God and promoting the Orthodox Faith.

The focus has always been on people. Specifically on people's salvation, based on hearing the Word of God preached and defined in the context of a true and loving Christian community.

In order to provide a clear witness to Christ and His Gospel to all, it was decided to evolve from solely Church Slavonic / Russian and to use English exclusively in the worship services. For the most part, the transition has been made and today we find ourselves again ministering to many of the new Russian speaking people seeking out an Orthodox Church for worship.

On November 9-10, 2001, the parish observed its 50th anniversary.

Typically one will find approximately 150 to 200 adults and children gathered together to celebrate the Divine Liturgy on a given Sunday. Our worshippers represent a cross section of people of various ages, occupations, and ethnic backgrounds, living throughout the greater metropolitan Phoenix area. The character of our community reflects our effort in placing special emphasis on personal participation in the life of the Church, spiritual growth, and commitment to Christ and His teachings.

Continuing education and discussions among our members are priorities within our parish. Immediately following communion on Sunday's Divine Liturgy, children ranging in age from pre-school through young adult attend Church School classes (September - May). Adult Education (Orthodox Faith Studies) classes are also offered. In addition, other educational programs on various subjects are scheduled and announced periodically.

 Parishioners and visitors are invited to share fellowship over coffee and bagels in our social hall following Divine Liturgy every Sunday. Periodically, lunches, dinners, and fellowship gatherings are scheduled in various locations, sometimes in connection with open discussions on various topics with pastoral guidance, i.e. Orthodox Faith Study.

Indeed, the true church is built with "living stones". Believers who by their Baptism and Chrismation have entered into the life of the Church and who are united in a common confession of faith and the Body and Blood of Christ themselves become the "Body of Christ". The fields are, as the Scriptures tell us, ripe for harvest; but the laborers are few. May God bless our efforts toward the building of His Church in love and truth.

We invite you with open arms to worship and share fellowship with us anytime.

Today's Saints >


Regular Services

Saturday: Vespers, 5:00 pm

Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:00 am



1614 E. Monte Vista Rd.

Phoenix, Az 85006


Phone / Email

Fr. Mikel: 907-444-8545

Church: 602-253-9515


Directions To Saints Peter & Paul




This Week...

September 14, 2024

This Weds Sept 18th Bible study will begin at 6pm in the church hall.

Monday we have the Lucan jump for the Gospel reading. For those who have the green Orthodox Bible the Epistle will be for the 13th week and the Gospel will be for the 18th week.  Please see the wall calendars for the correct readings.

David Bieber and Jonah Anderson are in the process of putting together a current contact list. There will be forms available in the Church Hall at Coffee hour. There is a box in the narthex and a box in the hall to put them in, or you can turn them into David or Jonah. Everyone should fill them out and return the form whether you are new to the parish or been here a long time.

Collections for Project Mexico are on the 1st Sunday of the month, next collection will be October 6th.

Foca is having the Tailgate Party on October 27th.

The Myrrhbearers Altar Society is looking for volunteers to help with making their holiday nut, apricot, and poppy seed rolls.  Volunteers are needed to help roll out the dough, fill the dough, bake the bread, and with other baking related tasks.  All baking days are on Saturday and volunteers usually arrive at the hall between 8 and 8:30 am and the day usually finishes between 1 and 2 pm.  The bake dates are: September 21 and 28, October 12 and 19, and November 2 and 9. Lunch is provided on all bake dates.  Any responsible individuals over 12-years in age are welcome to volunteer and hours can be used to meet school volunteer requirements.  If you are interested and available to bake on one or more of these days, please see Heather Pfeiffer, Marty Gala, or Rita Mudrenko to sign-up or get more information.

The order form for the nut rolls are on the tables in the church hall and are attached as well. 

In July of 2025 Phoenix will host the All American Council for the OCA. Dcn John Weiss is the clergy delegate and Lydia Osolinsky is the lay delegate.  They will be asking people to fill positions on different local committees from all the local OCA parishes.  The AAC is a large undertaking and will take somewhere in the range of 40 - 50 people to fill all the spots. All the OCA Bishops and clergy will be here as well as lay delegates and observers from each church.  If you would like more information please see Dcn John or Lydia.

Whittier School Christmas Gift Outreach: We are very thankful to have Christine Sanchez and Shayla Felix volunteer to be Co-Coordinators of our Whittier School Christmas Outreach this year! We will be kicking off this outreach beginning in October with more detailed information to follow on how each of you can participate in making Christmas brighter for many children and families in our local community. As the Christmas Season approaches please keep those in need in your thoughts and prayers and help Saint Peter and Paul spread the “Sacrificial  Love of Christ this Nativity Season.”

Alex and Anastasiia Yurchenko are asking if there is anyone who would like to sponsor a friend of theirs, Oleg Sidelev, through the Uniting for Ukraine program.  If you would like more information please let me know.

Please note as reported in the newsletter that for the months of July and August we did not collect as much as we spent. We should always remember to tithe, as this is very important to keep the church running, and it is also an offering to God. 

The OCA clergy wives have taken on the responsibility of purchasing a reliquary for the Canonization of Mat. Olga.  The goal is to reach $10,000 to purchase the reliquary, The Myrrbearers here at St P & P are taking collections to assist. Please see attached flier.

Humility and suffering free a man from all sin; for the first cuts out spiritual passions, and the latter bodily. St. Maximus the Confessor



The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”

Learn More >

The Holy Scripture is a collection of books written over multiple centuries by those inspired by God to do so. It is the primary witness to the Orthodox Christian faith, within Holy Tradition and often described as its highest point. It was written by the prophets and apostles in human language, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and collected, edited, and canonized by the Church.

Daily Readings >

Holiness or sainthood is a gift (charisma) given by God to man, through the Holy Spirit. Man's effort to become a participant in the life of divine holiness is indispensable, but sanctification itself is the work of the Holy Trinity, especially through the sanctifying power of Jesus Christ, who was incarnate, suffered crucifixion, and rose from the dead, in order to lead us to the life of holiness, through the communion with the Holy Spirit.

Today's Saints >

Saints Peter & Paul Orthodox Church
1614 E Monte Vista Road
Phoenix, Arizona 85006