February 2025
We begin the month of February with the Great Feast called the Meeting of the Lord on Sunday the 2nd where there will also be a blessing of candles.
As we look at this month of February we can see that Zacchaeus Sunday is also February 2nd and then there is a fast-free week from the 9th to the 16th, which means there is no fast on Wednesday, the 12th, and Friday, the 14th. With Zacchaeus Sunday and the fast-free week in February, this tells us that the Great Fast is not far off, and it begins March 2nd. Zacchaeus Sunday is a warning that the fast will soon begin but it is also a reminder that we should already be planning on how we go through the fast: what spiritual books we will read; how we will fast; what services we will attend; and will we add additional prayers. We should understand that the Great Fast is a time that we work on our souls; it is like a boot camp for our spiritual development and this should lead to a transformation in our life.
As Orthodox Christians, we are extremely blessed to be a part of a Church that cares and worries about our souls. The church gives us all the tools we need to better our lives in Christ if we make use of them. These tools may seem rigid or harsh but they are there to help us work on ourselves spiritually. Even something as simple as making the sign of the cross on ourselves properly will have great spiritual benefit.
Many people outside of Orthodox Christianity may say something about it, usually negative, but there is great power in crossing yourself properly. When we make the sign of the cross we can invoke the Holy Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or we can just call on Christ in the Jesus Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner! Just crossing yourself and saying one of the prayers is terrifying to the enemies of Christ and can save us from the evil snares of the demons.
As we go through the month of February, let us keep in our mind that we are coming to the Great Fast and then Pascha. May we all be sure to cross ourselves with all humility, praying and asking our Lord to help us in all that we need to work out our salvation.
+Fr. Mikel Bock
Sat Feb 15th 5pm Vespers
Sun Feb 16th 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy
Weds Feb 19th 6pm Bible Study/Class
Fri Feb 21st 6pm Vespers
Sat Feb 22nd 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy 5pm Vespers
Sun Feb 23rd 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy
Feb 24 - March 2nd, fasting from meat only, everything else is allowed
March 3rd begins the Great Fast
Weds Feb 26th 6pm Bible Study/Class
Sat Mar 1st 5pm Vespers
Sun Mar 2nd 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy/ Forgiveness Vespers
Mon Mar 3rd 6pm Great Compline/Great Canon of St Andrew
Tues Mar 4th 6pm Great Compline/Great Canon of St Andrew
Weds Mar 5th 540pm 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Thurs Mar 6th 6pm Great Compline/Great Canon of St Andrew
Fri Mar 7th 840pm 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Sat Mar 8th 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy 330pm Class 5pm Vespers
Sun Mar 9th 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy w/Icon Procession
Weds Mar 12th 540pm 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Fri Mar 14th 840am 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Sat Mar 15th 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy 330pm Class 5pm Vespers
Sun Mar 16th 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy
Tues Mar 18th 6pm Class
Weds Mar 19th 540pm 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Fri Mar 21st 840am 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Sat Mar 22nd 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy 330 pm Class 5pm Vespers
Sun Mar 23rd 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy
Mon Mar 24th 6pm Vespers
Tues Mar 25th 840am 9th Hour/Vesperal Divine Liturgy
Weds Mar 26th 540pm 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Fri Mar 28th 840am 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Sat Mar 29th 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy 330pm Class 5pm Vespers
Sun Mar 30th 840am Hours/Divine Liturgy
Mon Mar31st 540pm 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Tues Apr 1st 6pm Class
Weds Apr 2nd 540pm 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Fri Apr 4th 840am 9th Hour/Presanctified Liturgy
Regular Services
Saturday: Vespers, 5:00 pm
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:00 am
1614 E. Monte Vista Rd.
Phoenix, Az 85006
Phone / Email
Fr. Mikel: 907-444-8545
Church: 602-253-9515
Directions To Saints Peter & Paul
This Week...
February 15, 2025
There is Class/Bible study Feb 19th, at 6pm in the hall.
Today Saturday Feb 15th there will be “game night” at 3:30pm. Please bring any board games that you wish to play so that there will be different board games. This game time will give everyone a chance to get to know each other better.
The nuns from St Macarius of Egypt will be here tomorrow to sell their items.
On Friday Feb 28th at 7pm there is a free concert at American Lutheran Church of Sun City, 17200 N Del Webb Blvd put on by the West Valley Youth Orchestra. Our parishioners James and Randall Legendre are part of the orchestra.
Collections for Project Mexico are on the 1st Sunday of the month, next collection will be Sunday March 2nd.
The Food Drive this year will be for FOCUS; Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve, here in Phoenix
The Bookstore has several new arrivals, just in time for the Fast.
As we are now 2 weeks from starting the Great Fast we will be needing wine. If you would like to donate wine it is Manischewitz concord grape wine.
Next Sunday is Meatfare Sunday there will be a potluck coffee hour. It is the last day to eat meat until Pascha.
Cheesefare Sunday coffee Hour is sponsored, it is the last day to eat dairy until Pascha.
Marty Gala will have a sign up sheet for the meals after Presanctified Liturgies.
March 9th The Myrrh Bearers will have their Lenten Soup sale.
Steve Doerksen is seeking to organize a mission trip to Kodiak Island in Alaska for the last week of July. If you wish to attend please see Steve or Fr. Mikel.
We should always remember to tithe, as this is very important to keep the church running, and it is also an offering to God. For the month of January our expenses were more than our income by $483. So we started off the year in the red.
In accordance with the Dioceses of the West’s Thriving Parish Program, I will be sending out a short 15 minute video on Monday, and there will be a discussion on Sunday the 23rd during coffee hour.
If we make every effort to avoid death of the body, still more should it be our endeavor to avoid death of the soul. There is no obstacle for a man who wants to be saved other than negligence and laziness of the soul. + St. Anthony the Great