Regular Services
Saturday: Vespers, 5:00 pm
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:00 am
1614 E. Monte Vista Rd.
Phoenix, Az 85006
Phone / Email
Fr. Mikel: 907-444-8545
Church: 602-253-9515
Directions To Saints Peter & Paul
This Week...
October 5, 2024
This Weds Oct 9th Bible study will begin at 6pm in the church hall.
Please be sure to fill out a contact form! David Bieber and Jonah Anderson are in the process of putting together a current contact list. Forms are available in the Church Hall at Coffee hour. There is a box in the narthex and one in the hall to put them in, or you can turn them into David or Jonah. Everyone should fill them out and return the form.
Collections for Project Mexico are on the 1st Sunday of the month, next collection will be tomorrow October 6th.
Foca is having the Tailgate Party on October 27th.
On October 29th St John the Evangelist is having their 2nd Annual Gala and Auction. Please see the flier.
In July of 2025 Phoenix will host the All American Council for the OCA. Dcn John Weiss is the clergy delegate and Lydia Osolinsky is the lay delegate. They will be asking people to fill positions on different local committees from all the local OCA parishes. The AAC is a large undertaking and will take somewhere in the range of 40 - 50 people to fill all the spots. All the OCA Bishops and clergy will be here as well as lay delegates and observers from each church. If you would like more information please see Dcn John or Lydia.
Whittier School Christmas Gift Outreach: We are very thankful to have Christine Sanchez and Shayla Felix volunteer to be Co-Coordinators of our Whittier School Christmas Outreach this year! We will be kicking off this outreach beginning in October with more detailed information to follow on how each of you can participate in making Christmas brighter for many children and families in our local community.
We should always remember to tithe, as this is very important to keep the church running, and it is also an offering to God.
The OCA clergy wives have taken on the responsibility of purchasing a reliquary for the Canonization of Mat. Olga. The goal is to reach $10,000 to purchase the reliquary, The Myrrbearers here at St P & P are taking collections to assist.
If you want to attain salvation, learn and keep in your heart all that the holy Church teaches and, receiving heavenly power from the mysteries of the Church, walk the path of Christ's commandments, under the direction of lawful pastors, and you will undoubtedly attain the Heavenly Kingdom and be saved. All of this is naturally necessary in the matter of salvation, necessary in its entirety and for all.
St. Theophan the Recluse