The Monastery of St. Macarius the Great of Egypt is a community of nuns of the Diocese of the West of the Orthodox Church in America. Our monastery was established in 2015 and has since grown, by the grace and blessing of God. We strive to live a traditional communal Orthodox monastic life according to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the rich wellspring of the teachings of the Early Fathers of the Church.
Abbess Mother Silouana
5395 Orchard St
Montclair, California 91763-3320
The Monastery of St. Mary of Egypt is a women's monastery located in the City of Glendale, Arizona. For more information, please see their contact information below.
8375 W Midway Ave
Glendale, Arizona 85305-6918
Regular Services
Saturday: Vespers, 5:00 pm
Sunday: Divine Liturgy, 9:00 am
1614 E. Monte Vista Rd.
Phoenix, Az 85006
Phone / Email
Fr. Mikel: 907-444-8545
Church: 602-253-9515
Directions To Saints Peter & Paul
This Week...
March 8, 2025
Sunday is Sunday of Orthodoxy, please remember to bring your icons as there will be a procession after Liturgy.
In accordance with the Diocese I will send out a video on Monday the 10th on youth ministry, and will have a discussion at coffee hour on the 16th.
March 23rd the monks from St John’s will be here to sell their items.
Collections for Project Mexico are on the 1st Sunday of the month, next collection will be Sunday April 6th.
The Food Drive this year will be for FOCUS; Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve, here in Phoenix. A revised list is attached. Last day to donate will be April 6th.
Marty Gala will have a sign up sheet for the meals after Presanctified Liturgies.
Tomorrow March 9th The Myrrh Bearers will have their Lenten Soup sale.
Here is the website for the AAC which will be held here in Phoenix in July.
Steve Doerksen is seeking to organize a mission trip to Kodiak Island in Alaska for the last week of July. Updated flyer is posted in the hall.
We should always remember to tithe, as this is very important to keep the church running, and it is also an offering to God. For the month of January our expenses were more than our income by $483. So we started off the year in the red.
A worker takes the trouble to get hold of the instruments that he requires. He does so not simply to have them and not use them. Nor is there any profit for him in merely possessing the instruments. What he wants is, with their help, to produce the crafted objective for which these are the efficient means. In the same way, fasting, vigils, scriptural meditation, and total deprivation do not constitute perfection but are the means to perfection. They are not in themselves the end point of a discipline, but an end is attained through them. St. John Cassian